Bonsist is one of the largest and most modern student sports complexes in the country. It is located in the immediate proximity of the UNWE. It has at its disposal outdoors and indoors sports facilities providing an excellent environment and opportunity for students to choose amongst 12 kinds of sport and students having traumas or health problems could attend the physical therapy classes.
The beginning of the organized student sport in Bulgaria is set up by the UNWE on 27 November 1923 when the first Student Sports Club has been established. Significant contribution to the development of the student sport in Bulgaria has also the Summer Universiade held in Sofia in 1977 as for the purpose the Bonsist Sport Complex has been built.
Students with outstanding sport achievements has taken part in the UNWE representative sport teams in basketball, volleyball, soccer, futsal (indoor soccer), aerobics, cheerleading, chess, tennis, table tennis, sport orienteering, track and field, swimming, sport climbing and martial arts. They have represented the University in various sport tournaments and championships – National Universiades and National University Championships and Tournaments as well as in the State Championships of the Republic of Bulgaria. Over the years the UNWE has always occupied the top three places winning medals from the National Universiades and National University Championships.
UNWE has the tradition to held a Tennis Tournament for Rector`s Cup as well as Table Tennis Tourmanent.
The sport and technical preparation of representative teams is led by outstanding lecturers-coaches who have approved themselves as qualified specialists in the relevant kind of sport.
The UNWE attaches a great deal of importance to the student sports and welcomes initiatives and meetings with outstanding representatives of Bulgarian sport to enable its alumni to gain experience and inspiration from the best ones.
During 2009 the Bonsist Sport Complex had been completely renovated and modernized.